Sunday, March 25, 2012



Okay so that picture hopefully is more dramatic than factual for you ( I hope).  When it comes to exercise, we can get pretty creative with reasons not to do it. The fact is, physical exercise that is result driven (meaning intense), HURTS.  It isn't pleasurable at all.  Forcing your body to get healthy by no means feels good, even with the rush of endorphins you will feel pain in your muscles/joints, exhaustion, and you will probably loathe your body for a little bit. So it's no surprise that we "find" other things to do with our spare time other than workout.  This week's post highlights 9 of my all time favorite lame excuses for not working out ---and believe me, I've heard em all!  Enjoy!


This is definitely a crutch that people lean on! Thinking you are stuck with some bad genes and there is just no point in working out is ridiculous. Also thinking that others that are in what you feel to be great shape are that way because of genetics is also equally ridiculous. If you have determination and persistence with your workouts, you can achieve anything you want!!


Totally not accepting this one. Exercising outdoors in the right temperature and conditions is a fantastic way to add variety and challenge to your workouts.  Enough said.


For those of you that know me well, you know I am a "sweater".  I am not talking about a little glisten on my forehead.  I am talking dripping and drenchy sweat. No, I am not the biggest fan, but I like the alternative of being out of shape a lot less! Exercise is stressful for your body. Sweating is how it copes with the increased body temperature.  Embrace it and enjoy the detox!


This excuse never stopped you from starting a new job.  Yeah, it's going to be uncomfortable at first.  But you will get over it! Once you get in the habit, and your workouts become consistent, and those results that you have been working so hard for start rolling in -----YOU WONT CARE.  Just go do it!


This is actually one of the most valid, factual excuses of all.  It's the truth.  But who does?! Few people actually like working out. But the good news is, once you get started and you see some results, you will like it because you will like the way you begin to feel and look!


I realize that when you get home from work the idea of putting on workout clothes and heading to the gym or worse, to see me, is a painful concept.  I can see how you could rationalize how you don't need to exercise.  Granted missing a day or two can be okay, but several days in a row is not good. The reality is exercise gets you over being tired!! Exercise will improve and maintain your energy level, regulate your sleep, and improve your mood!  You can't afford not to go do it!   Which leads me to the next excuse........


 A lot of you decide the best time to get your workout in is to buck up and get going in the morning.  And yes its ROUGH!  I also am victim of those dark, early  morning drives in to the gym when I feel like the only other living thing that is awake other than me is the random possum or rabbit that runs in front of my vehicle.  No, you will never feel like the alarm is welcome when it sounds in those early morning hours-ever.  BUT, once you get in the habit and realize that hey, no last minute plans or meetings stand between you and a 5 am workout---it's worth it.  I also understand that we all can't magically get to bed on time the night before these early morning workouts.  Get to bed when you can.  Just make it work.


Okay, if you are in the hospital, excessively nauseous, or running a fever, you clearly shouldn't be working out.  With that said.  A cold, allergies, headaches, menstrual pains, or just not feeling great shouldn't always stop you from breaking a sweat.  As a matter of fact, you will probably feel better! I always use this rule of thumb. If I feel worse after 10-15 minutes in, I quit.  That rarely is the case.


This is the MOST used excuse and its the worst.  My blood is boiling just typing the excuse.
Everyone has the same amount of time in the day. You have to make time to exercise.  If you don't prioritize it, you will never have time.  If you have time to watch TV, you have time to work out.  You don't need hours.  All you need is about 15 to 20 intense minutes to get great results.   Anyone who has done burpees for a few minutes can tell you that.  Once you get in the habit you will realize you have the time.  And while we are on the subject, do you really think that all of the people that workout with fit bodies are less busy than you????? Seriously?

And just a few more of my all time faves:

"I'm too sore."  Well, try working out more than once a week
"I don't want to bulk up. "  Really?
"I have to lose weight  first." Um, isn't that why you workout in the first place.
"I tried it for a couple weeks and I didn't see any changes."  It takes at least 5 or 6 weeks to even begin to see a change!

Conclusion: Robin, she is just so mean:

Listen, I'm not posting this to be mean, its because I care.  Yes, I know I am in your face with this post, but sometimes we all need a wake up call.  Turn inward this week and see if you are falling victim to any of these excuses that could be standing in your way!  If you are always using these and other excuses to not workout and eat right, then I have some bad news for you---you are going to get stuck in a viscous cycle for the rest of your life and continue to struggle.  STOP THESE EXCUSES FOR GOOD AND START ON YOUR GOALS TODAY!








Wednesday, March 7, 2012

9 Things Your Trainer Wishes You Knew


1. You Need to Switch Up Your Workouts

When you do the same cardio or strength routine time after time, in fact three to six times in a row is all it takes, your body adapts and you burn fewer calories! Eventually your results---weight loss, muscle definition---will slow down.  You need to continually change up your cardio and weights regimen.  Keep changing up those weight circuits and get off that same old machine!  If you are working with me-- I can assure you will never suffer this problem.

2. Cardio Isn't the Magic Bullet for Weight Loss

Biking, running, and walking are great for your heart.  But research shows that's its very difficult to lose fat when you only do cardiovascular activity.  Although aerobic exercise will burn calories, it really does not change your metabolism!  What does: lean muscle mass.  Muscle helps you burn more calories even when your workout is over.  This is so powerful!  The higher your lean muscle mass, the higher your resting metabolic rate (the baseline amount of calories you burn in a day).   Research has shown that if you do strength training three times a week, you can add an average of 3-7lbs of muscle in about three months, increasing your metabolism by 6-7%.   Keep doing your cardio three times a week, but add in two or three days of strength training workouts.  Aim to work all the major muscle groups!

3. Wimpy Weights Will Get You Nowhere

According to the "overload principle", for muscles to become stronger, they have to be challenged with a load that's heavier than what they are used to.  Without challenging your muscles, you can't substantially strengthen or tone them.  You must choose a weight that you can lift for only 8-15 repetitions before losing good form.  You must work until "failure".  And don't worry YOU WONT BULK UP!  Women have a biological limit on how much muscle mass they can build. Women do not get big without using steroids. 

4. Crunches Aren't Crucial for Strong Abdominals

Crunches are NOT the best choice for strengthening your abdominals.  They only work a few of the muscles in your core. And if your abs are weak, doing crunches could cause a strain on your neck. You will get more bang for your buck with moves that work the entire core area.  The plank is a great one!

5. A Workout Does Not Merit a Post Gym Pig Out

When you are feeling virtuous after you have exercised, it's SO easy to eat back all the calories that you just burned (and then some).  If you're looking to lose weight, this type of behavior not only won't help you toward your goal, but you will get stuck in a "vortex" of seeing no results because you are basically just replacing calories expended! Have a healthy snack after your workout instead.  I always look for a protein source, it  helps my muscles build and recover.

6. Working Out On An Empty Stomach Won't Burn More Fat

A common belief is that if you exercise before you eat, your body will turn to it's fat reserves for energy instead of the food in your stomach.  In fact, it's just the opposite! A 2011 study published in the International Journal of Sport and Nutrition Exercise and Metabolism showed that people experienced a bigger boost in metabolism---meaning they burned more fat-----when they exercised AFTER eating breakfast than when they did the same workout on an empty stomach.  The authors of the study theorize that when you eat before exercising, your body uses more oxygen, resulting in a metabolism spike and improved fat burning.  Even a small snack with carbs, protein, and a little fat a half hour before will power your workout.

7.A Death Grip on the Cardio Machine Strains Your Body and Burns Fewer Calories

When you hold the treadmill, elliptical, or stair climber handles so tightly that your knuckles turn white (because you can't keep up with the speed) your body is forced into an uncomfortable strained position, which in turn puts strain on your muscles.  And because your legs don't have to work as hard when you lean on that machine, the number of calories you burn plummets. Stand up and have some good posture!


If you have ever played around with the controls on a cardio machine, you may  have experienced the "fat burning" program, in which you exercise at low to moderate intensity for an extended period of time.  The idea behind this MYTHICAL "fat burning zone" is that low intensity is better for weight loss because you can do it longer, sustain the workout longer.  NOT TRUE= SUCH A LIE!

Studies show that a shorter workout, boosting with intensity, burns as much if not MORE calories than a long, steady state cardiovascular workout. And when it comes to losing or maintaining weight, its the total number of calories that count.  Plus, by working harder you can get your workout done quicker and get home! Try interval training twice a week on non consecutive days.  High intensity for 30sec-1min then recover for 30sec -1min.  Repeat this for 20-30 min.  Which leads me to the final thing I wish you knew.......

9. If You Want To Change Your Body, You Must Ditch the "Long and Steady"

Now that we have put to rest the mythical fat burning zone and how it doesn't exist, lets talk about those cardio days.  You now know that besides 2-3 days a week of strength training that you also need 2-3 days of cardiovascular activity as well.  These 2-3 days of cardiovascular activity should not include hours and hours of cardio! You only need 20-30 minutes, 45 tops, if you working at the right intensity.  Ditch the steady long cardio! You don't get gold stars or changes in your body because you can stay on the elliptical for an hour or more (in fact, I would prefer you never get on the elliptical unless you are injured or a beginner---they are to easy, you know this to be true).   You don't get gold stars for staying on any machine that long, and just so you know, the calorie counter that says you burned a ton of calories is also lying to you---they are always wrong so don't put all your eggs in that basket.  I've seen folk stay on a machine until they reach a certain calorie amount. Bad plan, bad plan. 

The only way you are going to see changes, burn fat, and get quick results is through interval cardio.  PERIOD.  If your intervals are done right, you should be wiped out in half an hour, maybe less.  Get rid of the calorie counting, heart rate watch and go by how you feel .  You know when you are working hard, you don't need a watch to tell you.  You can't go by a number on a watch, you must go by what your perceived exertion is.  That is the only truth!