Monday, May 14, 2012

Motivation: Just Do It!


Nike really new what they were doing when they coined the slogan "Just Do It".  Truly there is no other way of putting it if you want to get fit and reach your goals--- just show up, get rid of all the reasons why you can't, and JUST DO IT. When I asked Aimee to share her story,  I asked her to focus on motivation, because when I think of Aimee and her "work out" ethic, she should be in the dictionary under JUST DO IT.  For those that know her well, you will agree! She is an amazing woman!  Motivation is her specialty, I mean she even motivates me as I listen to her during a session. Motivation is so important.  Because that's the thing about exercise----it's the hardest thing to start doing, but once you start, its the hardest thing to stop.  Along the way, we have to learn to become and STAY motivated not only through others, but our own thoughts as well. 

                                       AIMEE'S STORY

I have been working out since high school and I enjoy it! Now I'm not saying I love it every day, but it has been an important part of my life for a long time.  My approach to working out, especially lifting weights, has changed since I started training with Robin three years ago.  I wanted to train with Robin because I heard she was tough (no one told me she was the work out Nazi) and I needed someone to push me to my limit. My son was 6 weeks old and my daughter was 18months old when I started.  Even though I had worked out during both pregnancies, let's just say I was ready to have my old body back.  I was in the best shape of my life a few months before my first pregnancy and desperately wanted to feel good again looking in the mirror.

Over the three years with Robin, I've learned how to maximize my time at the gym.  I now know it doesn't take two hours a day, 6 days a week to build lean muscle, increase strength, and get the soreness I associate with a good workout.  I have learned I can work multiple muscle groups at one time and get a complete workout in 30 minutes or less.  Pushing through those crazy Tabata drills has helped me increase my lactate threshold.  All the craziness has paid off by improving my running speed!! I used to run a 10 minute mile pretty consistently but ran an average pace of 8:45 in the Soaring Wings half marathon, and I can run even faster for shorter runs!

                          What motivates Aimee to ( and continue to)

                                                 "Just Do It"

Let me first say that one of the biggest motivating factors for me is that I have several obese people in my family.  I have watched them struggle for years dieting, losing the weight, gaining it back, dieting, losing weight, gaining it back plus some......a continuous cycle of struggle.  I understand the depression, hopelessness, and other problems associated with obesity.  I vowed at a very young age to stay healthy and not gain too much weight.  It is important to me that my kids see me exercise, exercise with me, and know how to make healthy food choices.  I want them to witness healthy living and NOT the alternative. That being said....the other crazy things that help me get through a tough workout, go to the gym when I don't want to, and push myself to the limits are:

  • I count everything.  In a Tabata drill ( 20 seconds hard work/10 seconds rest for 8 rounds), I count how many reps I do in the first round. If I don't get it one time, I know I have to push myself harder on the next one. 
  • I break the workout into pieces. If I know I have to do 10 reps of something, I break it into fractions as I am going through it.  I literally talk to myself saying "that's one-third, one-half, only a quarter more to go".   ( Robin here----this is one of my favorite things about Aimee, by the way)
  • I talk to myself constantly.  No one else can push me as hard as I can push myself.  For me, 80% of the workout is a mind game.  My body will do what my mind says it can do. I say crazy things like "come on Aimee, get 2 more.  Only 20 more seconds.  There's the finish line--push push."  Sometimes I say these things out loud....just ask my running and workout partner Rhonda!
  • I take a break when I need it.  I change up my routine.  If my body is exhausted, I rest.  I know if I push myself at those points it will hurt me more than it will help.  That's when I get injured.  My best advice is I listen to knowledgeable people like Robin, soak up that knowledge, and find strategies that work for me so that I can be the best I can be.

                                   Robin's Tricks and Tips:

How do we find motivation to exercise when we just don't feel like it? It's a big myth that trainers wake up motivated and ready to workout!!  I also struggle with feeling motivated when it comes to my own workouts, I have to choose every single day that I am going to do it!It is a tough job, especially when you decide to commit to fitness for life, because you have to commit for life to keep and see great results.  Here are some other thoughts to add to Aimee's that have worked for me when I have struggled with motivation:

  • How you feel after a workout. I always feel great after a workout.  That is my number one motivation on those days I just don't wanna!
  • Time for just me. We spend so much time taking care of others. I must make this time for myself. This time is a priority for me
  • Burning calories.  Enough said. 
  • Visualize your goal.  You will get there!
  • Read Fitness Magazines.  Some of the information is helpful, some not.  But for some reason, every time I read through a fitness magazine it is instant motivation.
  • Read Success Stories.  Look around you.  Your peers, gym mates, class mates---they all have a story!
  • Reward yourself. If you make all your workouts for the week, reward yourself! (not food)
  • Fitting into clothing better. For me, I like to feel good in my clothes. I need no scale to tell me about progress or set backs, your jeans will never lie to you.
  • Stress relief. This is a big one!Wound up after a stressful day at work? Crazy is all around! Exercise makes a world of difference. I am much nicer when I workout.  Just ask my kids.
  • Exercise Classes. There is no energy that can compare for me to that of a group exercise class.  I cannot stand to do cardiovascular exercise on my own, literally I loathe it---put me on a bike with 30 people and some great music and I can push like nobody's business---the energy is contagious!
  • The dread of feeling "yuck" from not exercising.  Remind yourself of this when you are too tired to workout.
  • Motivational Quotes.  I save mine to my desktop on my computer.  I have them everywhere. They work.

                         80% OF SUCCESS IS SHOWING UP