Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hello to all!! This weeks post is all about Stacy Eoff, my very first "featured" client or class member, that I will be choosing monthly, so you can read how someone just like you "did it" and "does it".  There are SO MANY of you who I get the privilege of working with every day and I hope to share your stories too!  So sit back and read about Stacy, in her exact words, as she is a wonderful inspiration to myself and others, and has become a dear friend of mine during this journey. 

I started this journey to lose weight, but let me give you a little background.  Before we adopted our little boy, I decided to try and lose weight with dieting alone.  I did lose weight, but only because I was eating so horribly, but you could say I was a "skinny fat".  We started the adoption process and I was emotionally stressed.  I would eat because we got bad news, I would eat because we got good news, I would eat because I was bored, tired or any other reason! I gained the weight back. Once we got our little boy home and we adjusted to our new family, I decided it was time to lose weight again.  I decided to start excercising and joined the gym, all the while watching my diet.


As many of you know starting to work out is HARD! I felt sick afterward! I had to make myself go back and I wished I saw the scale move more at first, but I knew a habit could be learned in 21 days, so I used that as motivation to stick with it and create my new lifestyle habit.  Down 60lbs later, I was doing cardiovascular excercise 5 times per week!  But eventually I hit a big plateau, I was stuck, and decided to have Robin train me.  Let me just say adding in strength training was almost like starting over again. With sick feelings and weak muscles again, Robin pushed me so hard, BUT I FELT THE CHANGES HAPPENING. Robin told me not to get on the scale for at least three weeks, but when I did I started to lose more weight and I knew that I could push myself to lose even more, of course all the while watching my diet.  I did consult a dietician, Kelli Die at Conway Regional, to get an idea of how many calories I should be eating, etc... I began to limit processed food, added fruits and veggies, and began eating more foods that fueled my body. I began to set small, realistic goals for myself and when I would reach those goals I would reward myself (not with food), but with something I wanted like a pedicure, clothes, or a massage. I also let others (people at the gym or in my classes) motivate me! I am a competitive person so when I saw some one doing that I wanted to do, like a pushup, I let that motivate me to push myself harder to accomplish it.


In the beggining, I measured my progress by pounds and clothing size, but as I got stronger fitness achievements became important too! I HAVE LOST 98LBS! I HAVE GONE FROM A SIZE 20 TO A SIZE 6! I've accomplished so many things I never thought I could physically accomplish.  I learned to trust Robin and myself.  This didnt all happen right away!! I was blessed to have Robin by my side as she motivated me to push harder and never give up. She put so much effort into my success, I didnt want to let her down!   There are so many benefits this new lifestyle has given me: I am more confident which has enabled me to make more friends and do things I would have normally shied away from. I am a happier person.  I have more patience with my family, and in turn am able to be a better wife and mother.  I have also taken this ethic of hard work and applied it to other parts of my life that I feel need work too.


BY ALL MEANS MY BODY STILL CONTINUES TO CHANGE!! I have made this a lifestyle HABIT! There is no "finish line"!!  A large factor that keeps me motivated is fear.  Fear of going back to my unhappy, larger self.  I don't want to be that person ever again!

Besides continuing to eat right and challenge my body with continued excercise, I have really cut out my negative "self talk"! I started to listen to what I would say to myself on a daily basis and let me tell you it wasn't nice.  I was lucky to get in one nice thing a day.  This negative self talk, really limits your accomplishments. So when I hear myself say something that was isnt nice, I stop right there.  If I am feeling tired and didnt want to workout or finish my workout, I tell myself "two more minutes, you can do anything for two minutes". Also remember there will be many obstacles to try and derail your fitness routine! My schedule recently changed form a stay at home mom to a working mom.  Working out is a priority and I decided to get up at 5am some mornings to keep my schedule on track!!!  Be ready for the obstacles and know there is always a way to fit in your workouts!

Its never easy, but its so worth it.  Yes you have to work hard, but the things worth accomplishing are never easy! When you first start out remember that you have to start somewhere! Dont give up!


  1. I'm so proud of my wife and grateful to Robin for everything she has done.

  2. What an inspiration - amazing! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Stacy, the lady in the picture above, was a size 20?!?! If this weren't on Robin's blog, I would never believe it. Way to go, Stacy!! 98 pound is AMAZING! It's 98 reasons why we can't give up! Thanks for sharing your story!
