Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cheryl Engelkes: Superwoman? Absolutely!

Meet Cherly Engelkes
 Ever heard the line, or actually the excuse, "I'm older than you....I can't do those exercises!" or "Wait until your 50, 60 or older, you'll see you just can't exercise/do classes like that!"  Cheryl is here to prove those folks WRONG! Those statements couldn't be further from the truth! When you walk into my class or gym, all bets are off, I don't care what your age number is..........you CREATE a new age when you start moving!  One look at Cheryl and what she has accomplished and you will have no doubts that exercise is indeed the fountain of youth!  She gives wonderful advice below on how to stay motivated and stick with it, how she does it and has done it! And yes, for those of you that work with me on a regular basis, she does burpees, tuck jumps, pushups, and more! I can literallly count on one hand the amount of sessions Cheryl has missed in the 1 1/2 years I have worked with her.  She makes no excuses and finds a way.

Cheryl's Story

I started working with Robin in February 2011.  I didn't realize at that point how life changing it would be.  In the past 15 months I have lost 25lbs! I have traded in my size 10's for a size 6!

My original motivation was to lose some weight because I was going to be turning 50.......UGH!!!! During my first session I thought I was going to throw of most of the 30 minute workout.  The next morning, I needed a forklift to get out of bed.  I had a lot of negative self talk going on in my head.  I didn't really think I could keep it up, but with Robin's help, I've learned to be happier with myself and to appreciate the progress I've made! This is a huge step for me because I've always been guilty of focusing on my weaknesses instead of my strengths.

Another big thing that has changed is my all or nothing approach.  If I were eating unhealthy, I wouldn't exercise and vice verse.  I was eating junk and being a slug! I've now realized (it took 50 years), that it doesn't have to be that way! You can splurge on some of your favorite foods at times, but you still need to exercise.  And you can take a week off exercising if you need to, but then GET BACK IN THE GYM!  Like Robin says "Life happens."  I'm a mother of 3 and sometimes my schedule is dictated for me. But I've learned this past year to have more balance. 

My biggest piece of advice would be to have an accountability partner.  There are many days that I don't want to go to the gym, but I know my friend and training partner, Kristi will be waiting on me.  I hate letting people down, so I always show up.  And everyone needs a Robin in their life.  I would never push myself as hard as she pushes me!! She is more than my trainer, she has also become a dear friend and a positive force in my life!!


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