Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kelli Rice: Loving and Living the Journey

I have had the privelege of getting to work with Kelli for some years now.  She is an amazing client and friend, someone who I have gotten to watch transform herself inside and out.  The most rewarding thing I have gotten to witness with Kelli is how she has changed her attitude toward excercise.  It is a part of her now! I can say without a doubt, she has the "no excuses" attitude I love to see!!  THE LAST PARAGRAPH IN HER STORY IS THE BEST!


I was one of those women that thought growing a human inside me was my ticket to eat whatever I wanted to. I was eating for two, right? Uhhh, wrong!  Let me encourage you young people that if you think that, rethink it!  I destroyed my metabolism and gained a lot of weight.  After several years of fad dieting and losing weight and gaining more back I decided it was time to really do something right.   I started reading a lot about food and exercise.  I educated myself and learned what my weaknesses are. I also came to the realization that I am an addict! What stinks about that is that its not like alcohol and drugs where you can put it away and never touch it again.  You HAVE to eat.   My entire mood changes when I know I’m going to eat Mexican or anything fried!  It is a true high.  And when I get upset about something, all I can think about is “I’m depressed, mad, sad, etc.  I’m going to eat a cheeseburger!” 

 The best thing I did for myself was joining Robin’s class.  I didn’t take it seriously the first time I took it but after another year of putting on weight and feeling miserable and watching my kids start to fall into some of my unhealthy habits, I knew it was time to get serious.   The more serious I got the better my results got.  People started asking me if I was working out.  My clothes fit better.  I feel better.  I can get in the floor with my kids and play.  I can go outside and jump on the trampoline with my kids for more than 2 minutes.  I am stronger.  I sleep better and have more energy during the day. The depression caused by being overweight and living a sedentary life has gone away.  My husband has been my major encourager and that has made our relationship better.  We have a long driveway and the first time I raced my kids up the driveway to the house their jaws where on the floor!  My son looked at me and said “Good job mom!”  These things have been my biggest motivation.
It has probably been the hardest thing I’ve ever done and it continues to be a challenge.  I am not at my “goal weight” but it’s not about a number anymore.  It’s about how I feel about myself when I get up in the morning.  It’s about knowing what I have to do to lose weight and keep it off.  I refuse to be a bystander to life. 

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