Wednesday, September 26, 2012

MYTH: You Can "Reward" Yourself for Working Out With...........


Yes, this is a total myth. And if you want results, its TOTALLY true!

OK, OK I know, cheese puffs can be tasty, but listen, if you want results--I mean real body changes---you have to control your food.  You know I preach you CAN'T (no way no how) out exercise a bad diet.  Yes, a treat now and then is fine, and if you are in a maintenance mode with your weight than you can splurge a bit more, but at least 80% of the results you see from your hard workouts come from FOOD!

If you must reward yourself for a good run of workouts and good behaviors, don't do it with food.  The reason is simple: DID YOU KNOW A FEW SECONDS WORTH OF INDULGENCE CAN UNDO AN HOUR'S WORTH OF EXERCISE.    

Say for instance you ran on the treadmill for 40 minutes at a pretty decent pace, like 9 min mile pace, and you burned around 550 calories.  Now, then lets say you go through Starbucks on the way to work or you grab coffee with a friend after the workout.  A Starbucks Venti Mocha Frappuccino has around 500 calories.  Let's say you drank that---no big deal right its just coffee and you just worked out so why not?  HUGE deal, you basically just negated your entire workout!!! Remember the workout you worked so hard for, the one where you frowned and hated your trainer, the one that you almost felt you would vomit after.  AND NO, you don't get to "add back in" your exercise calories with your phone fitness app.  I suppose you could though if you weren't interested in weight loss.

I see so many folks spinning their wheels working out so hard and they get so frustrated because they either gain or don't lose any weight.  A lot of times its because we are indulging, or rewarding, with high calorie "treats". 

Start tracking your portion sizes! Those can be a huge culprit to getting you off track, you could be in for a shock.

Just remember weight loss requires an ENERGY DEFICIT.  Which means you have to burn more than you take in.  Its simple math.  Don't complicate it.  Keep it simple. But remember, your body will notice when it's on a deficit and it will want to win the "hunger game".  Fill up on foods that are nutrient dense, packed with protein, good carbs, and fiber. Just counting calories and treating all food the same won't get you anywhere either.  You can't spend your 400 calorie lunch on a big fat brownie and expect it to keep you full until dinner.  That 400 calories has to pack a punch! The best way to make sure your food is on track ---see a dietician! Kellie Dye is fantastic!

There is some good news though! A new study suggests that exercise can help rewire your brain in a way that makes you less likely to seek out indulgent foods.  Regular exercise may increase your desire to consume a better diet--and shed pounds!

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