Monday, January 21, 2013


The start of a busy week is already upon us! If you are anything like me, you are already staring at a long (slightly unrealistic) list of To Do's not just for today, but the whole week.  At first glance, it might seem impossible to fit in a workout. And honestly with that ever untruthful gym myth of needing lots of time to get a results driven work out  lingering over our heads,  who could? That's just it--you don't need a lot of time, you just need to dig in for the small amount of time you have. Short, uncomfortable, and slightly (OK maybe a lot) painful--DONE!  Forget spending hours at the gym.  


A study shows folks who exercised for 30 minutes daily for three months shed more weight than those who worked out for 60 minutes daily.  The folks who exercised for the shorter amounts of time tended to increase their activity level throughout the day, indicating that they got more energetic.  While all study subjects did only cardio----try a variety like cardio and weights to challenge different muscles and optimize fat burning!

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